Moving right along…

It’s been SIX DAYS already since my surgery!  I do have to say I’m enjoying so much nap time.  I’m seriously living the lounging life right now and Human says that’s just fine by her!!!!  The doctor said I could try going from taking pain meds every 8 to every 12 hours – thank goodness, I hate it when Human grabs my face,  and the medicine tastes awful!  I’ll for sure take less of it.  Food still tastes good and I’m eating just fine.  I’m practicing hopping around on my three legs a little and it’s going ok – I can get in my box when I need to!

I learned the other night the smooshing Human’s  face is ridiculously amusing.  She thinks so too.


6 thoughts on “Moving right along…”

  1. Oh wow, that is just the best news!! She looks great and you guys snuggling… isn’t that just the best?? Huck does that with me and he just melts my heart. I am so glad things are progressing so well!!


    1. Aww, thank you!! It really is the best. I’m loving it when she engines and is otherwise affectionate- makes me feel like she’s happy. 🙂

  2. Aww Pandora, you are jist so darn sweet. And you sure know how to be a food snuggly kitty.

    Yes, naps are really good for recovering kitties. And boxes are an excellent rest area😙

    Always makes us happy to get such good updates…..keep em coming!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

    1. She’s being so good! I am grateful she’s resting so well so far. I’m enjoying posting pics of her – hopefully they make you guys smile. 🙂

  3. We went slow on spacing out the meds every 8 hours to 8.5 & so on until we got to 12 see how you do you can always go back to sooner. Purrkins did well on every 10.5 Bup and his Gaba every 8 hours. All kitties are different she will let you know if she is not comfortable. Glad recovery is going well! Keep it up Pandora!
    Hugs, Holly & Purrkins❤️

    1. Thank you so much for the tip! She’s still pretty quiet , which I’m grateful for. She’s still eating well and was just purring up a storm in my lap. I’m keeping a good eye on her. 🙂

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